
Managing Business Ethics Straight Talk About How To Do It Right Textbook Questions And Answers

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b Chapter: 9 -Problem: 7 /b If you were running your own company, how would you communicate your CSR strategy with employees, with external stakeholders, and why? brbAnswer Preview/b: It probably depends on the stakeholders. Communicating about CSR with employees can bo…


Chapter: 9 -Problem: 7 >> If you were running your own company, how would you communicate your CSR strategy with employees, with external stakeholders, and why?
Answer Preview: It probably depends on the stakeholders. Communicating about CSR with employees can bo…

, Chapter: 8 -Problem: 6 >> Should high performers be allowed to work by rules that are different from those that apply to other workers? Why or why not?
Answer Preview: High performers should be allowed to work by rules that are different from th…

, Chapter: 6 -Problem: 1 >> Think about the impact of the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines. Would organizations have tried to drive ethical behavior among employees without government encouragement?
Answer Preview: It is difficult to say for certain whether or not organizations would …

, Chapter: 10 -Problem: 12 >> What role, if any, does a company’s reputation play a role in your purchasing decisions?
Answer Preview: A company 's reputation can play a significant ro…

, Chapter: 4 -Problem: 1 >> What do you value? Can you make a list of the three or four values you would stand up for? How will you explain to others what your values are and why?
Answer Preview: 1 . Integrity : To me , integrity means standing up for what is right and honest , even if it is not …

, Chapter: 7 -Problem: 2 >> Have you ever been in a situation where the rewards explicitly or implicitly supported unethical conduct? Explain.
Answer Preview: Yes , I have been in a situation where the rewards explicitly or implicitly …

, Chapter: 8 -Problem: 8 >> Are there ways in which managers can avoid harassment issues among employees who report to them? What would your strategy be?
Answer Preview: Yes , there are several ways in which managers can avoid harassment issues among employees who repor…

, Chapter: 2 -Problem: 10 >> If you were to design an ethical fitness program for yourself, what would you include? Think about the short and the long term.
Answer Preview: Short Term 1 . Set realistic goals and track progress - Ident ify the fitness goals you want to achi…

, Chapter: 4 -Problem: 2 >> Have you ever practiced raising an ethical issue to a professor or to your manager? What did you do? What were the results?
Answer Preview: Yes , I have . At a previous job , I raised an eth…

, Chapter: 7 -Problem: 3 >> Can you think of situations in which unethical behavior was dealt with appropriately (punished justly) or inappropriately? What were the reactions of others in the organization?
Answer Preview: App ropri ately : In 2019 , an executive at a large financial services co…

, Chapter: 10 -Problem: 8 >> Do you trust energy giants like Exxon to play it straight when it comes to subjects that affect it, such as global warming?
Answer Preview: Its clear that Exxon did not play it straight with the public about global warming and s…

, Chapter: 6 -Problem: 13 >> How would you raise an ethical concern in this organization? List all of the resources available to you. Which ones would you be likely to use? Why or why not?
Answer Preview: Ra ising an ethical concern in an organization can be done in several ways . Depending on the seriou…

, Chapter: 1 -Problem: 3 >> Can you think of something that is legal but unethical, or something that is ethical, but illegal?
Answer Preview: Something that is legal but unethical: A company that pays its employees less than a living wage, ev…

, Chapter: 9 -Problem: 4 >> With reference to the CSR pyramid, what are the implications of stopping at a particular pyramid level? For example, would it be all right if a company took its sole responsibility to be financial responsibility to its shareholders? financial responsibility and legal responsibility? Do you agree that CSR is best represented by a pyramid? Why or why not? Can you think of a better way to graphically
Answer Preview: The implications of stopping at a particular level of the CS R pyramid depend on the level chosen . …

, Chapter: 7 -Problem: 5 >> Have you ever felt obligated to do something you felt was wrong because a person in a position of authority told you to do it?
Answer Preview: Yes , I have felt obligated to do something I felt was wrong because a person in a posi…

, Chapter: 11 -Problem: 8 >> What are the costs and benefits of developing a transcultural corporate ethic? Whose responsibility should it be to develop such an ethic - governments, corporations, intergovernmental organizations, all of these?
Answer Preview: The costs of developing a transc ultural corporate ethic include the resources and time spent on res…

, Chapter: 11 -Problem: 4 >> Talk with someone from another culture. Ask for information that would be helpful to you if you had to do business in their culture. What did you learn that you didn't know before? How might you behave differently because of what you know?
Answer Preview: I spoke with a friend from India about doing business in their culture . She advised me to be aware …

, Chapter: 3 -Problem: 3 >> Can you think of a time when you have used morally disengaged thinking?
Answer Preview: It should be easy for students to think of times when they have heard others use morally disengaged …

, Chapter: 9 -Problem: 3 >> Using the same company as an example, think about the four types of corporate social responsibility. What is your assessment of how the company is doing?
Answer Preview: 1 . Environmental Responsibility : The company is doing a good job …

, Chapter: 1 -Problem: 6 >> Think about the television programs and films you've seen recently in which business was portrayed in some way. How were business and business people portrayed? Is there anything business could or should do to improve its media image? Some businesses try to stay out of the limelight. Why might that be? What do you think of that strategy?
Answer Preview: In recent television programs and films, business and business people are often portrayed as greedy …

, Chapter: 5 -Problem: 1 >> Does your organization address ethical issues in a formal, systematic way? If so, is it a cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all approach, or has the organization customized an ethical culture to match its unique needs?
Answer Preview: Yes , our organization addresses ethical issues in a formal , systema…

, Chapter: 11 -Problem: 9 >> Choose a multinational company. Study its website and, in particular, its emphasis on business ethics and social responsibility (or lack thereof). What did you find? Can you relate it to what you’ve learned in this chapter?
Answer Preview: I chose to study the website of Nike, a multinational company that is known for its athletic footwea…

, Chapter: 9 -Problem: 1 >> Do you think corporate social responsibility is important? Why or why not?
Answer Preview: Depending upon the audience, many students will see the importance of social responsibility. General…

, Chapter: 7 -Problem: 7 >> Evaluate yourself or a manager you know using the "do you walk your talk" questions above.
Answer Preview: 1 . Do you consistently practice what you preach ? …

, Chapter: 10 -Problem: 2 >> What role do you think the personality and other characteristics of a CEO play in the handling of an ethical problem?
Answer Preview: The CEO's personality can play a tremendous role in how e…

, Chapter: 8 -Problem: 4 >> What specific action could a manager take to try to move employees up the employee engagement continuum – for example, from not engaged to actively engaged?
Answer Preview: Once an employee is disengaged, it is very difficult to move him or her up the continuum …

, Chapter: 2 -Problem: 3 >> Think about a situation where your values have been in conflict. How have you resolved those conflicts? Now that you have studied the ethical decision-making frameworks in this chapter, what should you have done?
Answer Preview: I recall a situation where my values were in conflict when I was working as a marketing manager in a …

, Chapter: 6 -Problem: 2 >> After reading about how a number of large companies try to encourage ethical behavior, what stands out? What approach is most unique? Which one do you think is most effective? Which one would make the biggest impression on you if you were an employee?
Answer Preview: What stands out to me is that each company takes a slightly different approach to encouraging …

, Chapter: 10 -Problem: 9 >> Is posting online any safer than posting your personal information on a billboard along a busy highway?
Answer Preview: No , posting online is not necessarily safer than post…

, Chapter: 1 -Problem: 2 >> Have you been cynical about business and its leaders? Why or why not? (See the following cynicism exercise.) How does cynicism affect you, as a business student or as a manager?
Answer Preview: I have not necessarily been cynical about business and its leaders, but I do think it is important t…

, Chapter: 6 -Problem: 7 >> Which of the following exist in the organization? Mission or values statement, policy manual, code of conduct, ethics training (who conducts it), hotline? Are they consistent and credible?
Answer Preview: The organization may have all of these elements in place . …

, Chapter: 9 -Problem: 2 >> Choose a company and analyze its CSR report. In doing so, think about what seem to be its reasons for being socially responsible. Is it pragmatic, ethical, strategic, or some combination? Can you identify its key stakeholders?
Answer Preview: I am choosing Apple as the company to analyze for this exercise . Apple s CS R report focuses on thr…

, Chapter: 8 -Problem: 10 >> Imagine that one of your employees complained that a coworker was harassing him or her. Also, imagine that you suspect the motives of the person who is complaining to you. How would you handle the situation? Is there a way you could discern motivation, or does it matter? When would you involve your company’s human resources department?Would it make a difference if the person being accused is a sta
Answer Preview: If an employee complained to me that a cowork er was harassing them , I would handle the situation b…

, Chapter: 2 -Problem: 8 >> What do you think of the proposed Hippocratic Oath for managers?
Answer Preview: I think the proposed Hipp ocratic Oath for managers is a great idea . It shows a …

, Chapter: 6 -Problem: 16 >> Think about your own positive, memorable, “peak experiences” when it comes to ethics. Be prepared to discuss those with others in your class and to think about the conditions that would make it possible for such experiences to happen more regularly at work. Or, if you don’t have much work experience yourself, interview someone who has and ask these questions. Be prepared to report back what you le
Answer Preview: One of my most memorable peak experiences when it comes to ethics was when I worked at a local non - …

, Chapter: 5 -Problem: 5 >> Use to read what employees are saying about a company of interest to you. What can you glean, if anything, about the ethical culture? What questions should you ask about the ethical culture if given the opportunity?
Answer Preview: From the reviews on glass door . com , it appears that the …

, Chapter: 3 -Problem: 8 >> Should a person be permitted to place a value on a human life? Should a company? Should the government? If not, how would decisions be made about whether to market certain products (that might be risky for some, but helpful for others), how much those who have lost family members in disasters should be compensated, and so on?
Answer Preview: No , a person , company , or government should not be permitted to place a value …

, Chapter: 9 -Problem: 6 >> Do you believe that employees are more attracted and committed to socially responsible companies? Why or why not? Are you? Why or why not?
Answer Preview: Yes , I do believe that employees are more attracted and committed to socially responsible companies …

, Chapter: 1 -Problem: 7 >> Do you believe that employees are more attracted and committed to ethical organizations? Are you? Why or why not? Make a list of the companies you would prefer to work for and the reasons why. Are there also companies that you would refuse to work for? Why? Are there “ethically neutral” companies that don’t belong on either list?Are there industries where you would not want to work? What are they
Answer Preview: Yes, I believe that employees are more attracted and committed to ethical organizations. I value tra…


, Chapter: 3 -Problem: 6 >> Answer the question posed in Gioia’s Reflections: Is a person behaving unethically if the situation was not even construed in ethical terms – if there was no moral awareness?
Answer Preview: No , a person is not behaving un eth ically if the situation wa…

, Chapter: 8 -Problem: 12 >> List ways you can communicate your standards to your employees and to your peers. As an employee, how can you communicate your ethical standards to your manager?
Answer Preview: 1 . Create a document or policy outlining your standards and expectations and distribute it to all r…

, Chapter: 2 -Problem: 2 >> Some of the steps in the 8-step model might suggest very different courses of action for resolving your dilemma. How would you choose among these distinct courses of action? Why?
Answer Preview: When choosing among different courses of action , it is i…

, Chapter: 2 -Problem: 9 >> What limitations, if any, can you think of to the prescriptions provided in this chapter? Can you think of reasons why they might not work?
Answer Preview: One limitation of the prescriptions provided in this chapter is that t…

, Chapter: 5 -Problem: 3 >> Having conducted the ethics audit, identify the formal and informal systems that are in need of attention. Where is the culture out of alignment? Design a change program to address weaknesses and to align formal and informal systems into a strong ethical culture.
Answer Preview: F ormal Systems : 1 . Est ablish ing clear and concise policies regarding ethical behavior for emplo…

, Chapter: 6 -Problem: 11 >> Does the organization evaluate its ethics initiatives? How? If not, why not?
Answer Preview: Yes the organization evaluate its ethics initiatives. There are several ways in which the organizati…

, Chapter: 2 -Problem: 7 >> Albert Schweitzer (philosopher and mission doctor) said “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” What do you think? How does this relate to the prescriptive approaches discussed in the chapter?
Answer Preview: I think this quote is very relevant to the pres cript ive approaches …

, Chapter: 1 -Problem: 1 >> Before reading this chapter, did you think of ethics as "just a fad?" Why or why not? What do you think now? Why?
Answer Preview: Before reading this chapter, I did not think of ethics as "just a fad." I believed that ethics was an important aspect of both personal and profession…

, Chapter: 6 -Problem: 8 >> Is senior management committed to ethics? How do you know? What could they do differently or better?
Answer Preview: Yes because it is important for senior management in any organization to be committed to ethical practices, as this helps to create a positive and trustworthy culture within the organization and can a…

, Chapter: 8 -Problem: 11 >> As a manager, how would you respond when a worker’s performance has declined and you suspect a problem at home is the cause?How might you respond if you think an alcohol or drug problem is the cause? What language could you use to confront the employee? Are there others you might want to bring into the discussion?
Answer Preview: When responding to a worker s declining performance , it is important to approach the situation with …

, Chapter: 6 -Problem: 12 >> Would you characterize the ethics efforts in this organization as taking a values, compliance, or combination approach? Is it effective? Recommend improvements.
Answer Preview: Based on the information provided , it is difficult to determine what approach the organization is t…

, Chapter: 11 -Problem: 7 >> Assume the role of corporate decision maker in a decision about whether to do business in a particular foreign country in the developing world. What information would you gather and how would you go about it? What criteria would you establish for making the decision from an ethics and social responsibility perspective? Why are these the most important criteria? What information will you use to hel
Answer Preview: As a corporate decision maker, the first thing I would do is gather information about the potential …

, Chapter: 6 -Problem: 4 >> What are the advantages of having an ethics office or officer report to a company's chief executive officer, the legal department, human resources, audit, or directly to the board of directors? What are the disadvantages?
Answer Preview: Ad vant ages : 1 . Est ablish ing an ethics office or officer and having them report to the CEO , le…

, Chapter: 7 -Problem: 6 >> Think about how you might design work to maximize workers' taking responsibility for the consequences of their actions.
Answer Preview: 1 . Provide clear goals and expectations : Est ablish clear goals , objectives , and expectati…

, Chapter: 8 -Problem: 9 >> Imagine that someone who reports to you is on a prescription medication that makes his breath smell like alcohol. How would you handle this situation?
Answer Preview: I would start by asking him if he has been drinking …

, Chapter: 4 -Problem: 14 >> Do you think that “paying” whistle-blowers encourages people to look for ethical misdeeds or to “game up” ethical misdeeds? Do you think people should be willing to report unethical activities because it is the right thing to do? What role could money play in that decision?
Answer Preview: P aying whistle - bl owers can be a powerful incentive to look for …

, Chapter: 7 -Problem: 1 >> Have you ever been in a situation, especially a work situation, where the norms supported a particular behavior, ethical or unethical, where you felt pressured to go along? Explain.
Answer Preview: Yes , I have been in a situation where the norms suppor…

, Chapter: 11 -Problem: 1 >> You’re an account executive with a multinational financial firm, and one of your biggest accounts is that of a shipping magnate in Greece. Several months after you’ve arranged very complex financing to build a new fleet of oil tankers for this customer, he asks if you and your wife would attend the christening of the first tanker. You, of course, agree to attend—it would be an insult to him if you
Answer Preview: 1. Possible Responses Conflict of Interest - Subtle "bribes" - Influence 2. Could encourage bla…

, Chapter: 3 -Problem: 4 >> Identify a situation in which you have used script processing in a work or other life situation.
Answer Preview: Most students find it difficult to really get this notion of scripts. So, its helpful to di…

, Chapter: 2 -Problem: 1 >> If you had to choose just one of the philosophical approaches discussed in this chapter to guide your decision making, which would you choose? Why?Or, if you had to rank them from most to least helpful, how would you rank them?
Answer Preview: It is difficult for me to say which philosophical approach would be the most helpful for decision ma…

, Chapter: 5 -Problem: 2 >> To the best of your ability, use the questions in Tables 5.1 and 5.2 to conduct an ethics audit of the formal and informal systems in your organization.
Answer Preview: Table 5 1: Formal Systems Does the organization have a formal code of ethics or conduct? Yes, our organization has a formal code of ethics that outlin…

, Chapter: 2 -Problem: 6 >> The last question leads us to a useful exercise. If you had to write your own epitaph, what would it say? How would you like to be remembered? What kind of life do you hope to lead? What kind of a career would you like to have?
Answer Preview: My epit aph would read : Here lies Jill ian , a woman who lived life to the fullest and was driven b…

, Chapter: 4 -Problem: 5 >> Is sexual harassment as important an issue for men as it is for women?
Answer Preview: Yes. If research is correct and sexual harassment is about power, then anyone can wield it. Whoever …

, Chapter: 6 -Problem: 6 >> Think about all of the communication opportunities provided by social media. How could an organization use social media like Facebook, Twitter, and the like to promote ethical behavior and communicate the organization’s values? What are the advantages and dangers of those media?
Answer Preview: Organ izations can use social media to promote ethical behavior by engaging their stakeholders and c…

, Chapter: 6 -Problem: 9 >> Are leaders at all levels held accountable for their ethical conduct? If so, how? If not, why not? What would you recommend?
Answer Preview: Yes , leaders at all levels are held accountable for their ethical conduct . Depending on the organi…

, Chapter: 6 -Problem: 5 >> Think about an organization where you've worked. What kinds of ethical dilemmas are unique to that organization? To that industry? What might be the best way to prepare employees to deal with those issues?
Answer Preview: Organ ization : A large mult is pe cial ty hospital Eth ical dile mm as unique to the organization : …

, Chapter: 8 -Problem: 7 >> Imagine that you're the manager of a facility where 200 layoffs are scheduled. Design an action plan for how the layoffs would occur. How would you handle those who are being laid off and the survivors?
Answer Preview: As the manager of a facility where 200 layoffs are scheduled, my first priority would be to ensure t…

, Chapter: 1 -Problem: 5 >> Identify reasons why an organization would be interested in being ethical, and classify those reasons in terms of whether they represent moral motivation or economic motivation.
Answer Preview: Moral motivation: An organization may be interested in being ethical because it believes in doing wh…

, Chapter: 4 -Problem: 11 >> What conditions would have to be present for you to blow the whistle about unethical conduct you observed at work? How would you go about it?
Answer Preview: The conditions that would have to be present for me to blow the whistle about uneth…

Additional Information

Managing Business Ethics Straight Talk About How To Do It Right
ISBN: 9781119386070
7th Edition
Authors: Linda K. Trevino, Katherine A. Nelson

13 Reviews for Managing Business Ethics Straight Talk About How To Do It Right Textbook Questions And Answers

Harley Browning
good work
Dominik Morrow
Great job! Thank you!
Adrienne Daniel
thank you
Mckenna Liu
Thanks for the great work!!
Nick Foley
He worked really well with me and did an amazing job

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